
About this site

Once upon a time there was a young man spending his leisure time with another of his kind, though younger than him. The two of them had been communicating via their personal computers for some time, when the younger suggested the lad to try something new. A thing termed "making a website", something the young master Vinnie had been immersing himself in for quite a while now. The older, Ekko, very much enjoyed the idea of this but could not for the life of him get off his lazy arse to muster up the energy to actually begin working on the task.
It wasn't until his urge to share his silly little creations and thoughts with the world became so overwhelmingly strong that he finally sat down to set up his own website. Ekko, who could hardly begin to fathom the wonders of HTML and had no prior experience, was filled with excitement about being able to call himself a web master as of then. He intends to use his newly found platform to share information and art about his original characters and opinions on various other things (mainly related to his interests).

About the owner

Jus a silly lad. What can I say. I don't talk much about myself but I love talking about my interests!! If you want to talk shit about me you can either use he/him or they/them. Or just refer to me by my name (Ekko/ Ekkonator/ Gigachad). I also don't really use social media but have a dead twitter account here! If you wish to, you can contact me via Discord Ekko#3420 ^^